tutorials computing

Initialize Git Repository from Local Files

Initialize a Git repository from a local directory, and the files therein, pushing it to an existing but empty remote.


Assumes that the remote bare repository has been created.


  • Git
  • An empty bare remote repository


Open a terminal/console (Terminal on Mac/Linux, cmd.exe on Windows) and cd to the directory that will be added to Git.

Initialize the directory as an empty Git repository using the following command:

git init

Add the contents of the directory to the repo:

git stage .

git commit -m "Initial commit."

Alternatively add only some of the files by staging only those of interest and perhaps '.gitignore'ing the rest.

Add the remote, replacing {remote} with the URI for the remote repository (for example, ssh://git.example.com/myrepo.git):

git remote add origin {remote}

Push the commit to the remote:

git push -u origin master

-u adds a tracking reference for the branch which is useful for argument-less pull commands amongst others.